know us
Mexican photographer, editor and audiovisual producer, who 20 years ago fell in love with photography and began his career around the image, initially as a photojournalist to later venture into audiovisual production, mainly in cinematography. She is passionate about working portraying, telling and creating stories.
In 2015, he founded the production company COPAL with which he develops content and audiovisual productions, both journalistic, documentary and advertising for public and private initiatives.
Mexican photographer, editor and audiovisual producer, who 20 years ago fell in love with photography and began his career around the image, initially as a photojournalist and later ventured into audiovisual production, mainly in cinematography. He is passionate about working portraying, telling and creating stories.
In 2015 he founded the production company COPAL with which he develops audiovisual content and productions both journalistic, documentary and advertising for public and private initiatives.

vanessa job
Mexican journalist, co-director of the documentary series La culpa es mía , which narrates the stories of women survivors of gender-based violence who struggle to transform that reality in our country.
It has a twenty-year history in journalism making visible human rights violations, injustice, insecurity, gender violence and corruption. In her career, she has stood out as a multiplatform content generator with skills in literary journalism, television and podcast.
Mexican journalist, co-director of the documentary series La culpa no es mía, which tells the stories of women survivors of gender violence who struggle to transform this reality in our country.
She has a twenty-year career in journalism, making visible human rights violations, injustice, insecurity, gender violence and corruption. In her career she has stood out as a multiplatform content generator with skills in literary journalism, television and podcast.